About Us
Serving Union County Since 1972
The Union County Housing Authority (UCHA) is a small, rural housing authority located in the “heartland” of Central Pennsylvania. Created in 1972, our mission is to provide safe, decent, sanitary, affordable housing to income-eligible residents and to provide related community services.
The UCHA has been recognized on the national and state level for its innovative programs.
The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) recognized the UCHA for developing and operating a county-wide building codes enforcement and sewage enforcement program. This eventually became the Central Keystone Council of Governments, which now serves a multi-county region.
NAHRO also gave its highest national award to the UCHA for developing the Union County Community Services Center, now a “one-stop shop” for community and social services. An under-utilized warehouse was renovated into a 29,000 square foot office complex that is now the home to many community and social service agencies that are co-located with UCHA. The delivery of services to clients is very efficient and the inter-staff collaboration is enhanced.